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Resource Center

Your ultimate source for LGBTQ+ fertility and family-building information, including guides to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, affording treatment, LGBTQ+ parenting and much more.


By: Sierra Dehmler
June 12th, 2023

After dreaming of motherhood for years, Diana was diagnosed with PCOS and told she might never be able to have children. She opens up about her and her partner's challenging journey to have a baby with the help of fertility treatment (including IUI and IVF) and a sperm donor.

Events | Gay Parents To Be News | Advocacy

By: Sierra Dehmler
June 2nd, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website - a modernized, freshly designed virtual hub for LGBTQ+ fertility and family planning! So, what can you expect from our new site? Keep reading to find out! Pssst... jump to the end to see what events we'll be at for 2023 Pride!

IVF | Patient Stories

By: Sierra Dehmler
April 28th, 2023

Moms Taylor and Holly open up to share their LGBTQ+ fertility journey, which included both IUI and reciprocal IVF, as well as how they navigated the ups and downs, their advice for other two mom families, and what life looks like as a family of four.

IVF | Patient Stories | Mental Health | Fertility Treatment | Adoption

By: Sierra Dehmler
April 25th, 2023

After 693 injections, two years of genetic testing, financial obstacles, pregnancy losses and unsuccessful IVF cycles, hopeful moms Emily and Staci make the difficult choice to stop pursuing IVF and begin to reimagine their future family.

Egg Donors | Patient Stories | Surrogacy

By: Sierra Dehmler
April 24th, 2023

After two Episcopal priests decide to begin their journey to parenthood, they encounter unexpected roadblocks, including financial hurdles and a global pandemic. This is the story of how they navigated surrogacy, what they learned along the way, and what life looks like as a family of three - in their own words.

LGBTQ Parenting | Sperm Donors | Patient Stories | Twins

By: Nikkya Hargrove
April 4th, 2023

Photo: The Rathkopfs Dinushka, my now wife, and I met on a dating website over 16 years ago. We got to know each other via phone calls and emails for a month before our first date in 2007. Over email, I first shared with Dinushka that I wanted to have kids. Then, she shared with me that she did not. This is the story of what happened next.

Mental Health

By: Melissa Kelleher, LCSW
February 21st, 2023

Many LGBTQ+ parents-to-be are surprised when they are referred to a mental health professional for a consultation during their family-building journey. Here's why fertility clinics recommend or require special counseling for families pursuing donor conception and surrogacy, and how you can take advantage of the opportunity to learn and process your own emotions.


By: Molly Horton Booth
November 23rd, 2022

If you're reading this, you’ve likely already begun planning your journey to parenthood, and we’re thrilled for you! An early step in this process is exploring different surrogacy agencies to find the right fit. Whether you’re doing research months in advance or reading this in the agency waiting room, we’ve got you covered.

Family Building | IVF | LGBTQ Parenting | Surrogacy

By: Carlin Longley
October 19th, 2022

One of the most important relationships you will have on your surrogacy journey is with your gestational carrier, and this complex, layered connection requires good communication and mutually agreed-upon boundaries and expectations. In this blog, a dad of three through surrogacy shares eight things he's learned about building a relationship with this very important member of your family-building circle.

Family Building | IVF | Sperm Donors | Patient Stories | Twins

By: Sierra Dehmler
October 11th, 2022

Megan and Nicole dreamt of becoming mothers one day, but nothing could have prepared them for how their journey to parenthood unfolded. From initial discussions with an OB/GYN to working with a fertility clinic, exploring their family-building options, a surprising pregnancy, and welcoming their little ones, they took one step at a time and kept moving forward. This is their story, told in Megan's own words. Enjoy!

Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy | Patient Stories

By: Sierra Dehmler
September 21st, 2022

After four long years, Bret and Stephen's difficult surrogacy journey finally came to an end with the birth of their first child. Read on to hear about everything that happened on their challenging path to parenthood, what they learned about LGBTQ+ family building, and what's next for their little family of three!

Family Building | IVF | Sperm Donors | Patient Stories | Mental Health | Fertility Treatment

By: Sierra Dehmler
August 30th, 2022

In the world of LGBTQ+ family building, there are no accidents. The decision to become a parent is an intentional act, one that requires a high level of commitment and patience. Hopeful moms Emily and Staci know that better than most. In this blog, they share their story of loss, perseverance, and hope as they continue navigating their tumultuous path to parenthood.