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Your ultimate source for LGBTQ+ fertility and family-building information, including guides to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, affording treatment, LGBTQ+ parenting and much more.

Egg Donors | Gay Surrogacy | IVF | Patient Stories

By: Sierra Dehmler
July 19th, 2021

There are many moving parts to any surrogacy journey, but one that begins at the start of a global pandemic adds a whole new layer of challenges. Dads-to-be Doug and Sanjay found that out quickly after embarking on their first surrogacy experience in March of 2020. Based in the United Kingdom, with a fertility clinic and surrogacy agency located in the United States, they had to get creative and be flexible, especially during the ban on international travel.

Family Building | Gay Surrogacy | LGBTQ Parenting | Patient Stories

By: Sierra Dehmler
June 25th, 2021

While each person's path to parenthood may look a little different, there are many common threads - especially for those who go through fertility treatment to bring their babies into the world. Whether you're a member of the LGBTQ+ community or not, choosing to pursue IVF, egg donors, and surrogacy all look very similar. In this blog, we share Julien's story, a surrogacy journey with some surprises (and obstacles) along the way.

Family Building | IVF | LGBTQ Parenting

By: Sierra Dehmler
May 26th, 2021

There's nothing more rewarding for us here at Gay Parents To Be than being able to stay in touch with the families we help create. Watching babies grow up, seeing new additions join a family, and remembering how far each patient has come...well, it makes us just a little bit emotional (in a good way, of course).

Family Building | LGBT News | Surrogacy Law | Affording Care

By: Molly Horton Booth
April 16th, 2021

New legislation in New York state will require insurance providers to cover same-sex family building without discrimination. In early 2021, New York state Governor Cuomo's office announced a directive requiring insurance providers to provide immediate coverage for fertility treatment, regardless of a patient's sexual orientation or gender identity. In the words of Cuomo, "Every New Yorker regardless of sexual orientation or gender identify should have the same opportunity to conceive a family, and we must do everything we can to ensure cost is not a barrier...In New York State, we believe love is what makes a family and that the law must work for everyone. This action will go a long way toward achieving that goal." Here at Gay Parents to Be and RMA of Connecticut, we are proud to work with prospective parents from all over the world, but with offices in Connecticut and New York, we hope that this historic declaration will make a difference for patients right in our backyard. In this blog, we'll unpack how this change might impact future parents, what will (and won't) be covered, and how we're hoping to learn more.

Gay Surrogacy | IVF | Surrogacy Law | Patient Stories

By: Emma Lott
April 13th, 2021

One of our favorite moments here at Gay Parents To Be and RMA of Connecticut is when we receive cute baby photos from proud parents. Not only do they brighten up our days, desks, and office walls, but they are also hugely motivating - they remind us that we are helping people build the families of their dreams, even when the journey may seem long and the obstacles challenging.

Egg Donors | Family Building | Gay Surrogacy | IVF

By: Emma Lott
March 17th, 2021

For prospective parents in the LGBTQ+ community, there are many pathways that you might take to build your family. Whether you decide to pursue a private or public adoption, or biological family building, there is now a wealth of information available online to help you get started, to take that first step. For dads-to-be who have chosen to pursue biological family building with the help of an egg donor and gestational carrier, the journey ahead is exciting, yes, but also slightly overwhelming. How do you know that you are choosing the best clinic for your journey, putting your future family in the best hands?

Gay Parents To Be News

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
March 11th, 2021

It’s probably safe to say if you are reading this post, it’s because you’re considering surrogacy as one avenue to family building. Surrogacy is a complicated process and finding the right person to carry your future child can seem like one of the most daunting parts of this equation. But with the right team of experienced clinical and administrative staff, you and your future family will be in good hands.

Gay Parenting | Surrogacy Law

By: Lisa Rosenthal
March 9th, 2021

LGBTQIA+ family building is alive and well. Booming, in fact. According to an extensive LGBTQIA+ family building survey conducted by Family Equality, "63% of LGBTQ millennials are considering expanding their families, either by becoming parents for the first time, or by having more children."

Family Building | Gay Surrogacy

By: Emma Lott
March 3rd, 2021

Now that your surrogate is pregnant, she’s eating for two. But this isn’t just any unborn baby—this is your baby. Understandably, the health development of your unborn child is one of your primary concerns now. Can you ask your surrogate to follow a special diet?

Family Building | Gay Surrogacy | Patient Stories

By: Emma Lott
February 25th, 2021

My husband Adam and I got married in 2017, and we had always talked about starting a family of our own. Being a cheerleading director, I always wanted a little girl, while Adam wanted a little baby boy.

Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy | IVF

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
February 11th, 2021

So, you’ve decided that being a parent is in your future - congratulations! This is a major life-decision, and personally, as a parent of two young children, I can say whole-heartedly that being a parent is the most rewarding and hardest job you’ll ever have.

Family Building | Gay Surrogacy | IVF

By: Emma Lott
January 28th, 2021

I’ve heard more than a few analogies for the surrogacy process since I started working with Gay Parents To Be. Family building through IVF and surrogacy - the path that many dads chose to complete their family - has been equated to a journey, a logistics equation, and a puzzle made of many pieces. To be sure, given that most surrogacy journeys for dads include: