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Resource Center

Your ultimate source for LGBTQ+ fertility and family-building information, including guides to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, affording treatment, LGBTQ+ parenting and much more.

Events | Gay Parents To Be News | Advocacy

By: Sierra Dehmler
June 2nd, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new website - a modernized, freshly designed virtual hub for LGBTQ+ fertility and family planning! So, what can you expect from our new site? Keep reading to find out! Pssst... jump to the end to see what events we'll be at for 2023 Pride!

Gay Parents To Be News

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
March 11th, 2021

It’s probably safe to say if you are reading this post, it’s because you’re considering surrogacy as one avenue to family building. Surrogacy is a complicated process and finding the right person to carry your future child can seem like one of the most daunting parts of this equation. But with the right team of experienced clinical and administrative staff, you and your future family will be in good hands.

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Lisa Rosenthal
November 25th, 2020

Gratitude is not just an attitude, it’s a choice – a choice about where to focus our attention. It doesn’t mean ignoring the injustices and misery in the world, for gratitude isn’t emotional or mental amnesia. What gratitude offers is the time to shift our attention to what is surviving, thriving and staying healthy – something that feels especially important this year.

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Lisa Rosenthal
October 7th, 2020

The Human Rights Campaign is the largest and most powerful LGBTQIA+ organization in the U.S. Their membership of fifty two million spans all states, in fact, all zip codes. Their dedication, since 1980, has been consistent and forward-thinking, and they provide reliable resources for LGBTQ individuals, communities, and families alike.

Gay Parenting | Gay Parents To Be News | LGBT News

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
August 31st, 2020

Recently, the Family Equality Council (FEC) published a comprehensive research study designed to help us better understand the landscape of family-building for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) adults in America today. The report included some inspiring statistics – all of which point to the fact that the number of LGBTQ families in the United States is set to grow dramatically in the coming years. In fact, the report states 77% of LGBTQ millennials (ages 18-35) are already parents or are considering having children – a 44% increase over previous generations. This is significant.

Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Greg Zola
June 20th, 2020

Generally speaking, LGBTQ persons who built their family via surrogacy, adoption or fostering put forth tremendous effort and expense to have their family. Yet, once that child arrives (whether that’s as a baby or an older child) one's sense of responsibility for another life really becomes palpable. When I held my son Luke in my arms for the first time, I wondered, "Am I going to be able to help him thrive?" I didn't know how to change a diaper; the ratio of water to baby formula when I needed to feed him; how much milk he should get, would he get a diaper rash on my watch; and so on. But, as every parent realizes, you figure it out.

Family Building | Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Mario Leigh
June 19th, 2020

I vividly remember this one specific night in 2017, during my sophomore year of college. I was lying in my twin bed in my dorm room, under the covers tossing and turning, knowing I wasn't going to sleep that night. It was the night I realized that my sexuality wasn't a choice and that I couldn't keep lying to myself anymore. For a lot of people, I imagine it's a pretty liberating feeling, but to me, it felt like a tremendous weight had settled on my shoulders. I could only think about the implications of this realization, and how much my future might differ from the one I had always imagined.

Gay Surrogacy | Gay Parents To Be News | LGBT News | Surrogacy Law | Affording Care

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
March 19th, 2020

Expanded State Infertility Mandates Show Promise for Same-Sex Couples, Here’s What You Need to Know to Get Coverage

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: James Speer
November 27th, 2019

Here at Gay Parents To Be we know the intricacies of LGBTQ family building can be hard to understand, and we want to demystify the process for all. One resource that we offer here for LGBTQ moms- or dads-to-be is access to in house genetic counseling. Why may you need a genetic counselor? What can this person help you understand about your family building journey?

Gay Parenting | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Will Pollock
November 1st, 2019

You’ve got your spectator chair, visor and travel-cocktail ready. As your city’s Pride parade starts to roll down your town’s main street, palpable excitement and celebration are in the air.

Gay Parenting | Gay Parents To Be News | IVF | Surrogacy Law

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
July 30th, 2019

The world of fertility has grown and changed as the needs of families has changed. And now more than ever before, there are different populations seeking fertility care. Fertility Bridge helps fertility centers connect with their current and prospective patients in new and dynamic ways. In this episode of their podcast, Griffin talks to our very own Dr. Mark Leondires about the various paths of family-building and how fertility clinics can provide personalized care to those with differing goals and needs.

Gay Parents To Be News | LGBT News

By: Dr. Mark P. Leondires
July 23rd, 2019

Gender is no longer a static, singular, or predetermined concept. Male/female binaries are slowly being replaced with the four commonly accepted pillars of gender: assigned sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Trystan Reese, Director of Family Formation at Family Equality, a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance legal and lived equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer families, has developed the concept of the four pillars of gender, the clearest and most thorough explanation of the gender spectrum.