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Resource Center

Your ultimate source for LGBTQ+ fertility and family-building information, including guides to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, affording treatment, LGBTQ+ parenting and much more.

Family Building | LGBT News | Transgender Family Building

By: Mac S. McGregor
April 14th, 2016

When talking about fertility, pregnancy and having babies; everything in my mind right away goes to pink or blue. Doesn’t yours? When we hear that a friend is pregnant the first question most people ask is, “Do you know if it's a boy or girl?”.

Gay Parents To Be News

By: Cynthia Murdock
April 8th, 2016

As a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist (fertility specialist) at Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut, (RMACT), and a physician on the Gay Parents to Be team, I know that many gay couples who, after deciding to have children, come to Gay Parents To Be at RMA of Connecticut with the desire to not only achieve a pregnancy, but also a desire for twins.

Gay Adoption | Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy

By: Brian Esser
March 1st, 2016

I’m a member of a Facebook group focusing on parenting by gay, bisexual and trans men. Diversity is one of the group’s greatest strengths, and on any given day you’ll find posts from dads who adopted (domestically, internationally and through foster care), are parenting children from former heterosexual relationships, are co-parenting, or have built their family through surrogacy.

Family Building | Gay Adoption | Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy | LGBT News | Surrogacy Law

By: Gabriel Blau
February 16th, 2016

The New Year is in full swing and it’s safe to say that by this point two things are clear to LGBTQ parents: First, getting your kids up and ready for school is not easy when it’s still dark at wake up time. And if you live in the Northeast like us, add snow boots and long johns to the mix!

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Gay Parenting Team
January 20th, 2016

For gay men and lesbians starting out on a family building journey, many questions arise. As your family building center, we are here to help provide answers and solutions, including what you can expect at your first gay family building consultation.

Family Building | Gay Parenting

By: Victoria Ferrara
May 28th, 2015

I am looking forward to our event at The Triangle Community Center this Saturday! I have so many good memories of the Center from over the years and mostly with respect to giving presentations to gay couples and individuals who want to have children.

Family Building | Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy

By: Anthony Crisci
May 20th, 2015

Biological Parenting in the LGBTQ Community All of us at Triangle Community Center (TCC) are looking forward to our continued collaboration with GayParentsToBe (in partnership with Reproductive Medicine Associates of CT (RMACT)), and to our event on May 30th, Biological Parenting in the LGBTQ Community. For many in the LGBTQ community, the concept that - we too may settle down with our partners in recognized marriages - is new. An even newer concept is the idea of building a biological family with our spouse.

Transgender Family Building

By: Mac S. McGregor
January 23rd, 2015

The history of Transgender people is that they, we, don’t get a lot of attention in the straight world or the gay world. Sometimes it seems that there are few people in the straight or gay world that are completely comfortable with Trans Folk. Truly, it is only when we have true acceptance of someone that is different than us – that we can then see all the ways that they are also the same. Until then, there can be discrimination and biases when it comes to opportunities, information education and family building.

Gay Adoption

By: Dan Woog
November 6th, 2014

Previously on The Path to Gay Adoption | Part 2, Nicholas and Paul discussed the emotional ups and downs of the legal process for adoption.

Family Building | Gay Parenting

By: Gay Parenting Team
August 19th, 2013

There are certain times of year that LGBTQ singles or couples may be more aware of their family status, especially if they're considering a future with children. Holidays can be difficult, if your nosy aunt keeps asking, "When are you going to have kids?" after dinner. Back to school time may also bring this topic to mind. Not only is this time rich with a feeling of new beginnings, but seeing friends post social media photos with their little ones getting on the bus for the first time can leave you asking, "When will it be my time to build my family?" Read more to hear how some Gay Parent To Be cope with back to school while TTC, or thinking about building a family. Like many women in their mid-30s, Rachel struggles with becoming a parent. She’s waiting for the right partner, juggling a career and grad school, and worried about finances. A lesbian, she’ll need to use IVF, insemination or adoption to have a child.


By: Gay Parenting Team
July 1st, 2013

Gay Parenting Events: An Inside Look at One of the Premier East Coast LGBT Events From left to right: Greg Zola, Dr. Mark Leondires, Melissa Etheridge, Linda Wallem, and Dan Bucatinsky