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Resource Center

Your ultimate source for LGBTQ+ fertility and family-building information, including guides to surrogacy, IVF, IUI, affording treatment, LGBTQ+ parenting and much more.

Gay Parenting Team

Family Building | Gay Parenting

By: Gay Parenting Team
April 15th, 2020

When you start your family-building journey as member of the LGBTQ+ community, you will find that medical insurance coverage is often lacking, and that there are still laws in some states that prohibit gestational surrogacy and other practices that may benefit you. You probably know from experience that laws and regulations are not necessarily geared for your convenience or your protection. Let that be the end of negative thoughts. Happily, plenty of people have found the path to biological family building. You can, too.

Gay Parenting | Gay Surrogacy

By: Gay Parenting Team
December 12th, 2018

Read on to learn more about the path to biological fatherhood with Gay Parents to Be and RMA of Connecticut.

Family Building | Gay Parenting

By: Gay Parenting Team
October 31st, 2017

This month, we introduce a new series of interviews: Personal Family Building Stories. We’ll talk with couples who have completed their family building journey as patients of Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut (RMACT), the IVF fertility clinic with whom GayParentsToBe partners with.

Family Building | IVF | Patient Stories

By: Gay Parenting Team
June 16th, 2017

Alicia and Julia’s story began as a classic representation of love at first sight. It all happened organically and eventually came together as strangers turned into friends and then ultimately soulmates.

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Gay Parenting Team
February 8th, 2017

Join Gay Parents To Be and Family Equality Council for an evening at Trumbull Kitchen to discover your family building options and join others who are thinking about starting a family. WHEN: Tuesday, March 7th, 6–8pm 6:00 PM Meet & Greet 6:30 PM Family Building Presentation 7:30 PM Q&A WHERE: Trumbull Kitchen 150 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103 Save Your Spot

Gay Parents To Be News

By: Gay Parenting Team
January 16th, 2017

Building a biologically-related family for a single gay male or gay couple is a complicated series of decisions, involving many you'd never think you'd have to make. One of the most important decisions on your journey is choosing and matching with a gestational surrogate.

Gay Parents To Be News

By: Gay Parenting Team
October 4th, 2016

Hear from Dr. Mark Leondires of Gay Parents To Be (in association with Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut) about the first steps to starting a family as a gay man. Learn more about your options for:

Gay Parents To Be News

By: Gay Parenting Team
August 5th, 2016

You've decided to become a parent. Being a member of the LGBTQ community, there are financial aspects that you need to consider. At any reputable fertility program or surrogacy agency (or egg donor or sperm donor agencies), there will be no mystery about the costs.

Family Building | Gay Parents To Be News

By: Gay Parenting Team
January 20th, 2016

For gay men and lesbians starting out on a family building journey, many questions arise. As your family building center, we are here to help provide answers and solutions, including what you can expect at your first gay family building consultation.

Family Building | Gay Parenting

By: Gay Parenting Team
August 19th, 2013

There are certain times of year that LGBTQ singles or couples may be more aware of their family status, especially if they're considering a future with children. Holidays can be difficult, if your nosy aunt keeps asking, "When are you going to have kids?" after dinner. Back to school time may also bring this topic to mind. Not only is this time rich with a feeling of new beginnings, but seeing friends post social media photos with their little ones getting on the bus for the first time can leave you asking, "When will it be my time to build my family?" Read more to hear how some Gay Parent To Be cope with back to school while TTC, or thinking about building a family. Like many women in their mid-30s, Rachel struggles with becoming a parent. She’s waiting for the right partner, juggling a career and grad school, and worried about finances. A lesbian, she’ll need to use IVF, insemination or adoption to have a child.


By: Gay Parenting Team
July 1st, 2013

Gay Parenting Events: An Inside Look at One of the Premier East Coast LGBT Events From left to right: Greg Zola, Dr. Mark Leondires, Melissa Etheridge, Linda Wallem, and Dan Bucatinsky